diff --git a/src/Craft/Krakensbane.cs b/src/Craft/Krakensbane.cs
index f74ab5a..16f73b6 100644
--- a/src/Craft/Krakensbane.cs
+++ b/src/Craft/Krakensbane.cs
@@ -97,27 +97,36 @@ public sealed partial class Krakensbane : Node3D
public override void _Process(double delta)
+ ImGui.Begin("Krakensbane");
+ ImGui.Text($"Origin: {originPosition}");
+ ImGui.Text($"Focused vessel: {FocusedVessel?.Name}");
// Debug the orbit of the focused vessel
- KeplerianElements? elements = null;
if (FocusedVessel != null && FocusedVessel is RigidBody3D rigidBody3D)
var position = GetPositionOf(rigidBody3D);
var velocity = rigidBody3D.LinearVelocity.AsVim().AsDouble();
var state = new DStateVector(position, velocity);
- elements = KeplerianElements.FromMotionState(state, celestialBody.Mu);
- }
- ImGui.Begin("Krakensbane");
- ImGui.Text($"Origin: {originPosition}");
- ImGui.Text($"Focused vessel: {FocusedVessel?.Name}");
- if (elements != null)
- {
+ var (elements, epoch) = KeplerianElements.FromMotionStateFull(state, celestialBody.Mu);
- ImGui.BeginGroup();
+ ImGui.Indent();
ImGui.Text($"Ap: {elements.Apoapsis}");
ImGui.Text($"Pe: {elements.Periapsis}");
ImGui.Text($"Period: {elements.Period(celestialBody.Mu)}");
- ImGui.EndGroup();
+ ImGui.Text($"Inclination: {elements.IncDegree}deg");
+ ImGui.Text($"Epoch: {epoch}");
+ ImGui.Unindent();
+ // Roundtrip test
+ var newState = elements.MotionStateAt(celestialBody.Mu, epoch);
+ ImGui.Text("Roundtrip test");
+ ImGui.Indent();
+ ImGui.Text($"Original position: {position:F6}");
+ ImGui.Text($"New position: {newState.Position:F6}");
+ ImGui.Text($"Original velocity: {velocity:F6}");
+ ImGui.Text($"New velocity: {newState.Velocity:F6}");
+ ImGui.Unindent();
diff --git a/src/Orbital/KeplerianElements.cs b/src/Orbital/KeplerianElements.cs
index e943b36..772ed14 100644
--- a/src/Orbital/KeplerianElements.cs
+++ b/src/Orbital/KeplerianElements.cs
@@ -44,10 +44,10 @@ public sealed class KeplerianElements(
public double ta = ta;
- public double IncDegree => inc * Math.PI / 180;
- public double LanDegree => lan * Math.PI / 180;
- public double ApeDegree => ape * Math.PI / 180;
- public double TaDegree => ta * Math.PI / 180;
+ public double IncDegree => inc * 180 / Math.PI;
+ public double LanDegree => lan * 180 / Math.PI;
+ public double ApeDegree => ape * 180 / Math.PI;
+ public double TaDegree => ta * 180 / Math.PI;
public double Apoapsis => sma * (1 + ecc);
public double Periapsis => sma * (1 - ecc);
@@ -68,39 +68,68 @@ public sealed class KeplerianElements(
/// The standard gravitational parameter, mu = G(M+m)
/// The time of the query
+ // TODO: automatically translated, not verified
public DStateVector MotionStateAt(double mu, double epoch)
- throw new NotImplementedException();
+ double n = Math.Sqrt(mu / (sma * sma * sma));
+ double M = n * (epoch - 0); // Assuming epoch is time since periapsis
+ double EA = ta; // Assuming true anomaly is given as eccentric anomaly
+ double MA = EA - ecc * Math.Sin(EA);
+ double nu = 2 * Math.Atan(Math.Sqrt((1 + ecc) / (1 - ecc)) * Math.Tan(EA / 2));
+ double r = sma * (1 - ecc * Math.Cos(EA));
+ double h = Math.Sqrt(mu * sma * (1 - ecc * ecc));
+ double Om = lan;
+ double w = ape;
+ double X = r * (Math.Cos(Om) * Math.Cos(w + nu) - Math.Sin(Om) * Math.Sin(w + nu) * Math.Cos(inc));
+ double Z = r * (Math.Sin(Om) * Math.Cos(w + nu) + Math.Cos(Om) * Math.Sin(w + nu) * Math.Cos(inc)); // Swapped Y and Z
+ double Y = r * (Math.Sin(inc) * Math.Sin(w + nu)); // Swapped Y and Z
+ double p = sma * (1 - ecc * ecc);
+ double V_X = (X * h * ecc / (r * p)) * Math.Sin(nu) - (h / r) * (Math.Cos(Om) * Math.Sin(w + nu) + Math.Sin(Om) * Math.Cos(w + nu) * Math.Cos(inc));
+ double V_Z = (Z * h * ecc / (r * p)) * Math.Sin(nu) - (h / r) * (Math.Sin(Om) * Math.Sin(w + nu) - Math.Cos(Om) * Math.Cos(w + nu) * Math.Cos(inc)); // Swapped V_Y and V_Z
+ double V_Y = (Y * h * ecc / (r * p)) * Math.Sin(nu) + (h / r) * (Math.Cos(w + nu) * Math.Sin(inc)); // Swapped V_Y and V_Z
+ return new DStateVector(new DVector3(X, Y, Z), new DVector3(V_X, V_Y, V_Z));
+ }
+ public static (KeplerianElements, double) FromMotionStateFull(DStateVector state, double mu)
+ {
+ var r_vec = state.Position;
+ var v_vec = state.Velocity;
+ var h_vec = r_vec.Cross(v_vec);
+ var h = h_vec.Length();
+ var r = r_vec.Length();
+ var v = v_vec.Length();
+ var E = 0.5 * (v * v) - mu / r;
+ var a = -mu / (2 * E);
+ var e = Math.Sqrt(1 - (h * h) / (a * mu));
+ var i = Math.Acos(h_vec.Z / h);
+ var omega_LAN = Math.Atan2(h_vec.X, -h_vec.Y);
+ var lat = Math.Atan2(r_vec.Z / Math.Sin(i), r_vec.X * Math.Cos(omega_LAN) + r_vec.Y * Math.Sin(omega_LAN));
+ var p = a * (1 - e * e);
+ var nu = Math.Atan2(Math.Sqrt(p / mu) * DVector3.Dot(r_vec, v_vec), p - r);
+ var omega_AP = lat - nu;
+ var EA = 2 * Math.Atan(Math.Sqrt((1 - e) / (1 + e)) * Math.Tan(nu / 2));
+ var n = Math.Sqrt(mu / (a * a * a));
+ var T = -1 / n * (EA - e * Math.Sin(EA));
+ var keplerianElements = new KeplerianElements(e, a, i, omega_LAN, omega_AP, nu);
+ return (keplerianElements, T);
public static KeplerianElements FromMotionState(DStateVector state, double mu)
- DVector3 position = state.Position;
- DVector3 velocity = state.Velocity;
- double radius = position.Length();
- double speed = velocity.Length();
- double vRadial = DVector3.Dot(position, velocity) / radius;
- double vTangential = Math.Sqrt(speed * speed - vRadial * vRadial);
- DVector3 angularMomentum = position.Cross(velocity);
- double h = angularMomentum.Length();
- double inclination = Math.Acos(angularMomentum.Z / h);
- DVector3 kHat = new DVector3(0, 0, 1);
- DVector3 n = kHat.Cross(angularMomentum);
- double nNorm = n.Length();
- double lan = Math.Acos(n.X / nNorm);
- DVector3 eVec = velocity.Cross(angularMomentum) / mu - position / radius;
- double ecc = eVec.Length();
- double a = 1 / (2 / radius - speed * speed / mu);
- double ta = Math.Acos((a * (1 - ecc * ecc) / radius - 1) / ecc);
- return new KeplerianElements(ecc, a, inclination, lan, 0, ta);
+ return FromMotionStateFull(state, mu).Item1;
public static KeplerianElements EquatorialCircular(double sma, double ta)